New Era Driving

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Evaluation Program

New Era Driving


It’s reported that more than one-third of driving fatalities happen within the first month after getting a license. To help new drivers, ICBC offers 60-minute evaluation lessons as part of their Driver’s Training program. These lessons are for drivers to use so that they can assess their skill levels and learn what has worked or not worked when it comes to defensive driving and how this affects safety on the road.

Professional Driving Lessons

When you need to learn how to drive, New Era Driving School provides all the information and knowledge necessary to become an expert behind the wheel!

Flexible Timings

We offer flexible timing for our training and assessment process, which means you can take classes either on weekdays or over the weekends. We can even train you during the evenings too!

Affordable Pricing

We want to make sure you're fully covered while on the road. If we can save you money today, while still providing a friendly and professional service, then we're more than happy.

What You'll Learn

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